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0141 952 1692

Tooth Whitening Fees

Select a whitening option for a sparkling smile

Super Smile £68
You will be shown the best way to clean your teeth & gums.
All the soft plaque and hard deposits will be removed from your teeth and around the gums.
Airflow polisher will gently and very effectively remove all the surface stains such as tobacco, red wine, tea & coffee.

Bespoke Home Whitening £295
Whitening mouthguards are made just for you, to wear at home once a day. All your teeth will be whitened. Crowns, veneers & fillings will not be lightened and you may wish to whiten your teeth before you replace existing restorations.

Diamond Bright Package £350
Combine the Super Smile cleaning with Custom Tooth Whitening for the complete package of whitening to give you the brightest smile possible.

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