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0141 952 1692


Our dentures provide a cost-effective, good looking answer to lost teeth. We can replace all your teeth with complete dentures, or use partial dentures, if you are only missing a few.

As well as restoring your smile, dentures can improve how you eat and speak, and enhance your facial appearance by providing muscle support.

How we fit dentures

Initially, we will assess your mouth and ensure it is suitable for dentures. We will then take impressions so your replacement teeth can be tailor-made in a laboratory. When ready, we will make sure your dentures fit comfortably and show you how to wear them.

After you’ve had a while to become acquainted with your dentures, we will ask you to pop back for a follow-up appointment so we can check they are still fitting comfortably and working as they should.

Good to know

We offer dentures on the NHS, as well as cobalt chrome and high quality acrylic on a private basis.

You may find it takes a little while to get used to your new teeth. Eating may be difficult when your dentures are first fitted, so try starting off with softer foods and gradually introduce harder items into your diet. Your speech may also be affected but if you spend some time reading out loud, you should soon get used to talking with your new teeth.

As dentures can be taken out, you can give them a good soak while you sleep and thoroughly brush any remaining natural teeth.

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